CBD Isolate vs Full Spectrum CBD

CBD Isolate vs Full Spectrum CBD

CBD Isolate is highly refined CBD extract which appears as a white to off white powder typically containing >99.5% CBD. CBD isolate is popoular because of it’s purity, subtle smell and flavor, and easy of handling and mixing.

CBD Full Spectrum extracts, on the other hand, are typically colored, thick viscous liquids at room temperature. They are prized because in addition to CBD they contain other medicinal compounds such as cannabinoids including CBG, CBC, THC and others, terpenes and other plant compounds.

CBD Isolate Controversy

CBD isolate seems like the obvious choice when buying CBD, but it’s use is controversial with many people because extensive research has shown that full spectrum products are more effective medicinally with lower side effects.

CBD isolate remains popular because it is a simpler product, is easy for newcomers to the industry to understand, and easier to ship interstate or internationally due to it’s negligible THC content.

In contrast, full spectrum products are more complex, somewhat messy to work with, harder to handle, and often contain THC making their shipment illegal in many regions. This is a particular problem if their THC content exceeds 0.3% (these products are said to be “hot”).

Full Spectrum CBD Benefits

Full Spectrum CBD products offer the benefits of the entourage effect, whereby the effectiveness of CBD in conjunction with other compounds exceeds that of purified CBD.

CBD Isolate vs Full Spectrum CBD: Hemp Oil and Distillate

There are some good alternatives to CBD isolate if you want the benefits of a full spectrum without the hassles of dealing with THC.

THC Free CBD distillate is a popular, high CBD hemp extract which has been refined to increase CBD content to 80% and remove all THC.

Buy CBD Isolate

Buy CBD Distillate

Buy THC Free CBD Distillate

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