CBD Oil Processing Steps

CBD Oil Processing Steps

CBD Oil Processing from hemp is a multistage process which turns harvested hemp flower and other plant material into a potent CBD oil able to be used in medicinal manufacture.

For full details on hemp processing and CBD processing from harvested plant to Pharma grade CBD isolate also read:

For more information about CBD Oil and Hemp Extracts and Concentrates

CBD Oil Processing Steps

  • Hemp Selection
  • Hemp Assessment
  • Analytic Testing
  • Drying
  • Grinding
  • Decarboxylation
  • Hemp Extraction
  • CBD Oil Winterisation
  • CBD Oil Refinement
  • Solvent Recovery
  • Packaging


Selecting Hemp for extraction

CBD Oil for medicinal use should be extracted from clean, dry, tested hemp flower and plant material specifically grown for medicinal processing. Avoid processing hemp grown for industrial use as it may be contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals, microbial contamination, or agricultural chemicals.


Assessing hemp prior to extraction

Prior to extracting medicinal hemp, it should be tested for microbial contamination (E.coli, mould, and other mcirobial contamination or insect damage make hemp unsuitable for medicinal use. Removal of agricultural and other compounds from hemp oil is difficult so use the highest quality material you can.

Mouldy or otherwise degraded material is unsuitable for processing for medicinal use. Always ensure your suppliers have a quality management system in place to prevent accidental or reckless use of low quality product for medicine production.


Analytic testing prior to extraction

Hemp should be tested for microbial contamination, heavy metals, pesticides, aflatoxins and other likely problems.

The plant material should be examined grossly and microscopically to confirm it’s origin, quality and cleanliness and freedom from adulteration, degradation and contamination with dust, insects or other debris.


Drying Hemp Prior to Extraction

Most extraction methods require the hemp be thoroughly dried before extraction. This is because water may dilute the solvent or prevent it dissolving the cannabinoid rich resin. Drying may be done in the field, in large drying barns or rooms, or in special crop drying equipment.

For more information on post harvest processing see Hemp Processing


Types of CBD Oil and Hemp Extracts

CBD Oil can come in a range of different types due to stage of manufacture and the type of manufacturing process.

CBD Oil is typically named by the type of extraction method and solvent used.

Common examples include:

  • CO2 extracted CBD Oil
  • Ethanol extracted CBD Oil
  • Butane extracted CBD Oil

After extraction, CBD Oil can be further refined to produce CBD Distillate or CBD Isolate.

Read more about the entire manufacturing process for CBD Isolate from Hemp.


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