CBD Pricing

CBD Pricing

CBD Pricing varies widely according to quality, location, payment terms, certifications, testing standards etc.

Below we include some typical pricing for CBD products at different quantities.

CBD is often sold as mg of active ingredient, and that price may be quoted in $/mg, $/g or $/kg.

So eg: an 80% CBD distillate brought in a 5kg lot might cost $8 per g of CBD, meaning the 5KG of CBD costs $40,000. Note the total weight of distillate will be 6.25 kg.

Finished Product CBD Pricing

USA Hemp derived CBD Pricing

The following table gives pricing for USA Hemp CBD grown to the following standards.

  • Organically grown, not certified (For certified add 10%)
  • GMP Compliant manufacture, certified (for certified at GMP 20% to 100%).
  • Located in Colorado, USA (for East Coast add 10%, for international eg EU add 20% to 50%).
  • Spot Buy - one off order (for advance, prepaid or long term contract orders expect to save up to 10%)

Note - there will always be more expensive and cheaper suppliers - you get what you pay for. The farmers who grow carefully to produce an exceptional crop that will produce the best oil will charge more for that product.


Range (Gram) Price ($/Gram)
1 Gram $30.00 / Gram
2-9 Grams $25.00 / Gram
1 Kilograms $9.00 / Gram
10-99 Kilograms  $8.00 / Gram
  1,000-9,999 Kilograms $7.00 / Gram

For more information on the economics of hemp production read our international cannabis market analysis.

CBD Oil Pricing

CBD Oil is typically the cheapest product to buy per mg, particularly if it still requires winterization and filtration.

CBD Distillate Pricing

CBD Distillate is often the most expensive product to buy per mg, particularly for THC free product.  THC Free CBD Distillate often costs 20% to 50% more than regular distillate.

CBD Isolate Pricing

CBD isolate is often the cheapest product to buy per mg which is surprising. This is because CBD isolate can be produced from low quality hemp oil (such as European or Canadian hemp) rather than requiring high quality medical hemp which is needed to make a good quality distillate product.

CBD isolate remains a good product for many uses but lacks other medicinal compounds. It's popularity is largely due to it's lack of THC and it's ease of incorporating into other products such as beverages or cosmetics.

CBD Isolate ranges in price from $7 USD upward per kg depending on origin and location.

CBD Pricing should not be your main buying criteria.

Many newcomers to the CBD market are overwhelmed and confused with technical and legal details.

While pricing is an important business fundamental, if you shop on price alone you almost guarantee low quality or service.

Much more important considerations when buying CBD are:

  • Origin and provenance
  • Quality Manufacturing Standards
  • Selecting an appropriate product for desired end use
  • Certification of facility and process (eg: GMP)
  • Legal status and Compliance
  • Know Your Customer and financial compliance
  • Transaction Security
  • Location and shipping
  • Convenience and Service
  • Third party certifications (eg: Organic, Kosher, etc)

Importantly be aware that many operators in the CBD space are only middlemen with little understanding of the product, quality production, the above fundamentals, or normal business practices, with the result that scams, misunderstandings and failed deals greatly outnumber successful transactions, particularly when it comes to larger deals and transactions.

Given the newness of the CBD industry, and the significant challenges with quality, consistency and transactions, ensure you are working with reputable companies and always engage professional legal and financial advice for large purchases.

CBD Oil Price

Below we publish our current seasonal pricing on CBD oil and CBD Isolate. Prices are current for North American 2019/20 harvest and product.


CBD Distillate Price

CBD Distillate Pricing from Grams to KG:

Prices are current industry pricing for industrial scale extraction.

CBD Isolate Price

CBD Isolate Pricing from Grams to KG:

Prices are current industry pricing for industrial scale extraction.

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