European Hemp and Hemp Extracts

European Hemp and Hemp Extracts

European hemp and hemp extracts have been world leaders in developing CBD and other hemp products over the last 5 years, at a time when the legality of hemp extracts was unclear in North America.

While the USA has come to specialise in high CBD hemp cultivars grown specifically for flower and resin production, European hemp tends to be cultivated primarily for fibre or seed, with CBD production from the flowers and other plant material being a by-product.

Nonetheless, there are some high quality European hemp strains that produce good amounts of resin with an attractive terpene profile and a range of cannabinoids including CBD and CBG.

European Hemp Biomass

European Industrial Hemp Biomass is used to extract CBD after the fibre or seed has been removed for processing.

European Hemp High CBD Flower

Good quality hemp strains can also be hand harvested and trimmed to produce premium flower material, or buds. These high CBD flowers are popular for extraction, vaporisation, smoking, herbal teas or in the manufacture of CBD products.

European Hemp CBD Kief

Kief is the powdery concentrated resin glands or trichomes form the cannabis flower. These can be collected through sieving to produce a high CBD powder. This powder can then be used in products, for extraction, or further processed in CBD Hash.

Note that like all extracts and concentrates, care must be taken to ensure that the THC content of kief and hash remains under legal limits in your region, particularly if considering shipping or further processing.

European Hemp CBD Hash

Hemp derived CBD Hash is a new product we’re beginning to see on the market.

Hash historically was often prepared from plants with higher CBD levels than most flower cannabis. A few strains of hash plant were very high in CBD, so CBD hash is a traditional product in some regions.

High CBD Hash from European hemp is available but ensure care is taken with THC levels, shipping and other regulations to ensure legal compliance.

Note also that because hash is literally hand made it should be manufactured following strict hygienic practices to be considered suitable for medical use.

Regardless more standardised forms such as extracts, tinctures and capsules are preferred. Hemp, Kief and hash can be used as sources of resin for the production of standardised extracts to achieve this benchmark.

Kief and hash are attractive raw materials vs flower because they are less bulky and easier to ship and handle.

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