Hemp and CBD Oil Product Shipping and Fulfilment

CBD & Hemp Shipping and Fulfilment

Rhizo Sciences ships most SKU’s from a number of secure, climate controlled facilities across North America, and Europe allowing us to offer 3 day shipping to most US, UK and EU clients on our most popular products.

FDA Certified Hemp and CBD Fulfilment

Rhizo Sciences ships product from our hemp licensed, FDA certified laboratories and fulfilment centres across the USA.

Our most popular products ship from FDA certified, climate controlled warehouse and fulfilment centres are located in:

  • Los Angeles, California
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
  • Ottowa, Canada
  • Dublin, Ireland

FDA Registered Warehouses and Logistics

The supply chain for products like hemp and CBD products that are to be consumed, applied on skin, etc. rightfully have more regulations than those that don’t have as much risk in harming the public.

Our products ship from our FDA approved warehouses in North America and Europe.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a government agency responsible for the safety of the following products sold or manufactured in the United States:

  • Food
  • Dietary supplements
  • Human drugs
  • Vaccines
  • Blood products
  • Medical devices
  • Radiation-emitting electronics
  • Cosmetics
  • Veterinarian products
  • Tobacco products

The FDA inspects and enforces regulations related to these industries, including ensuring that the warehouses that store these products meet FDA regulations. The passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) in 2011 introduced new standards for food storage, processing, and manufacturing for this wide range of products.

Brands that sell goods directly to consumers — especially packaged food products, vitamins and dietary supplements, beverages, medical products, and cosmetics — must make sure they use an FDA-certified warehouse.

What is an FDA approved warehouse?

An FDA-certified warehouse is a storage location, food facility, or fulfillment center that is registered with the FDA to store food, dietary supplements, drugs (prescription/medication), and other goods that are regulated by the FDA.

While the FDA only approves certain products (i.e., drugs, additives, etc.) and not companies, laboratories, buildings, or manufacturers, they do have the authority to inspect regulated facilities to verify that they comply with applicable good manufacturing practice regulations.

Why should CBD and hemp warehouses be FDA certified?

Owners and operators of domestic or foreign food, drug, and most device facilities must register their facilities with the FDA, unless an exemption applies.

In other words, having an FDA-certified warehouse is required for ecommerce businesses which sell anything from face creams and shampoos, to first aid kits and chocolate.

Free Shipping

Some orders may qualify for free shipping. Learn more about Free Shipping on Hemp and CBD Oil Products.

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