Organic Hemp

Organic Hemp

Organic Hemp production is one of the fastest growing sectors of the industry globally. Organic hemp commands premium pricing, particularly for food and medicines.

Organic farming refers to the cultivation of hemp using natural inputs without the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides and most agricultural chemicals.

Organic farming is widely practiced with varying standards across different farms, regions and industries. For this reason the term may be used loosely by many farmers and suppliers of hemp product, and if you require organic hemp for specific uses you should look for certified organic hemp.

Hemp in Organic Farming

Hemp is an attractive crop for organic farmers and much of the hemp movement has been driven by farmers and consumers who value the principles of organic agriculture.

Hemp has special benefits for organic farming as a rotation crop as well as the numerous uses of the product, including simple green industrial uses that lend themselves to organic farming practices or cottage farming industries.

Organic Medical Hemp Production

While most organic hemp production is for fibre and food, there is growing interest in producing medicinal cannabis extracts such as CBD oil from organic hemp.

Organic Hemp Definition

Organic hemp is defined as having been produced following organic farming practices and processes. To ensure the veracity of claims of organic hemp, various certification programs have been set up for organic hemp.

Organic Hemp Certification

Until 2018, there were few options to certify US grown hemp. Some hemp farmers used cannabis specialist organic certifiers, who have already addressed the issue of lack of USDA governance over hemp by creating their own certification.

A good example is Certified Kind who offer certification for industrial hemp and specifically for CBD oil. You can read more about their industrial hemp program here.

USDA Organic Hemp Guidance

In 2019 USDA, the main body governing food production and organic farming programs in the US began issuing organic certification for hemp. Read more about USDA Organic Hemp Certification.

Seeds for Organic Hemp Cultivation

Organic hemp seeds are available for food and fibre varieties, but currently there are few options for organic certified hemp seeds for planting.

This has been a major factor preventing organic growers from certifying their crops.

Rhizo Sciences expects to see wider availability of Organic CBD Hemp seeds in time for the 2020 planting season.

Organic Hemp for Food

Organic Hemp foods are widely available, including hemp seed oil often used to dilute CBD oil in medicinal products such as tinctures.

Organic Hemp for Fibre

Organic hemp fibre products are now widely available.

Organic Hemp Processing

As Organic Hemp Farmers come online, they will face another challenge – a shortage of organic certified processing facilities.

Rhizo Sciences has engaged two organic certified hemp processing and CBD extraction facilities in North America to service organic farmers and supply brands aiming for organic labelling.

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