Smokeable Flower CBD Hemp

Smokeable Flower CBD Hemp

Smokeable Flower CBD Hemp is one of the most popular and fastest growing product in the CBD hemp industry.

What is Smokeable Hemp?

Smokeable hemp are hemp flowers and other material suitable for smoking.

Hemp, Meet “Cannabis Light”

Interest in this category exploded over the last few years largely driven by demand in Switzerland, Italy and the rest of Europe.

In Switzerland, CBD hemp cigarettes containing up to 1% THC are legal to sell and available at normal stores such as supermarkets. The product, often called “Cannabis Light” is widely used as a tobacco substitute. Many also report good results using it to reduce their intake of tobacco or cannabis or to quit entirely.

This has led the hemp CBD industry to be one of the most developed in Europe, and was an early trendsetter which established the interest in CBD flower across the market.

Now people in America and elsewhere have caught on, and CBD Hemp Smokeable Flower has gone mainstream, with product for sale from $10 grams to pre-rolled hemp cigarettes.

Smokeable flower is mostly sourced from hand or machine trimmed premium heads, typically from the first harvest and large top colas or buds. The remaining hemp biomass will be used for extraction.

Smokeable Flower CBD Content

Currently the market is generally seeking the highest CBD content, while remaining compliant for THC.

Most smokeable buds will have 12-18% CBD with 15% being typical.

Material for joints and pre-rolls is often around 10%.

Smokeable flower is a specialist market and requires more subjective expertise than for extracts. The best smokeable flower is often produced by experienced cannabis cultivators who have moved over to hemp and cultivate following medical standards.

What does CBD Hemp Smoke like?

Experientially, good quality smokeable hemp is almost indistinguishable from Marijuana, except it won’t get you high.

Visual and bag appeal should be comparable. Nose/bouquet varies but the development of specialist strains from hemp and marijuana lineage is leading to some exceptional consumer products in this category.

Due to the levels of CBD, minor cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, good quality CBD hemp flower will still produce a noticeable effect – often feeling relaxed, positive, free of anxiety or chilled out, but without the racing mind or paranoia that some people find sometimes occurs when smoking THC flower.

CBD Smokeable Flower Pricing

While still a new category, we are seeing rapid uptake of CBD hemp flower and pricing categories and grades are quickly emerging based on medical/recreational flower norms.

Premium quality flower typically sells at:

1g: $10

3.5g: $15 to $30

7g: $30-$50

28g: $100-$200

450g: $300-$1000

1kg: $600 to $2000.

Note this high price is comparable or low for premium THC flower, which takes equivalent care and effort to produce.

Given the low price and vast quantity of CBD flower available, Rhizo Sciences is focussing on premium quality smokeable flower for this category.

Grades of CBD Smokeable Flower

Cannabis flower, including CBD hemp, can be graded into a series of grades depending on size, location and quality of flower.

Top cola flower will have the highest cannabinoid and terpene levels, and tends to be the largest, so this forms the bulk of the A grade flower. These flowers are often tested for “best case” potency results – this is where you will see 15% to 20% CBD claims.

Larger buds from elsewhere on the plant form the bulk of B grade flower. These will typically be 10% to 15%+ for good quality smokeable flower.

Shake or trim and popcorn buds form the bulk of what is generally called “trim”. This is often sold in bulk as hemp biomass, and will represent the bulk of outdoor crops. This material is often 10%+ whereas whole plant biomass from the same plant may only be 5% to 8%. This material can be ideal for pre-rolls and other manufacturing.

Variety, cultivation method, weather, and hemp flower processing conditions will greatly impact the overall quality of the plant.

Post harvest processing – the handling, trimming, drying, and curing are of paramount importance when producing premium flower.

Top shelf buds will combine the best form factor with bag appeal (visual appearance), nose and potency (cannabinoid and terpene profile).

Characteristics of good CBD Hemp Flower

As US style hemp strains improve, we are seeing some strains with great bag appeal, strong nose, and good flavour. The quality of smokeable flower should be on par with premium medical/recreational buds.

Learn more about CBD hemp Flower suitable for smokeable flower.


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