Tissue Culture

Tissue Culture

Tissue culture is a method of aseptic, asexual plant propagation which can be very helpful to create virus free seedlings and scale production of proven genetics.

Tissue culture overcomes the limitations of cloning and seeded reproduction, but is best used for production of mothers and high value genetics.

Tissue culture also makes it simpler to keep genetics banks or non-seed lines in perpetuity.


Tissue culture should be considered for mother plants, breeding programs, or whenever establishing a new facility.

As cannabis and hemp pathogens become more widespread and better recognised tissue culture may become mandatory for some jurisdictions and operations.

Tissue Culture for Cannabis and Hemp

Tissue Culture is an underutilised technology in the cannabsi and hemp industry.

Tissue culture often works best for specialist nursery environments and requires sophisticated technology.

As a result, most cannabis breeders rely on clones and seeds for reproduction.

Sourcing virus free plantlets, clones or seeds from tissue culture origins is an ideal way to incorporate the benefits of tissue culture into your breeding program without investing in new facilities or personnel.

Tissue Culture Time Lapse

Once established in tissue culture, cannabis plants grow like small clones which can multiplied by a range of methods.

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